If you would like to send a message to Maureen Gemma and our Outreach Committee, please fill out the form here.
If you would like more details about the Bridging Families Network, please click here.The Outreach Committee’s mission is to seek to proclaim and celebrate God’s presence and love, as we reach out to our sisters and brothers near and far, in a variety of ways and maximize our gifts of time, talent and treasure to serve those in need within our parish, in the surrounding community, and in other parts of the country and the world. In recent years, the Committee has hosted events to make ornaments and vacation activity bags for children in foster care, write letters to bereaved families during COVID, deliver breads to the homebound, prepare personal care bags and make inspirational bookmarks for teens in need, and make prayer cards and deliver cookies to the homebound. In 2022 and 2024, the Committee collected clothing, furnishings and other items for refugee and immigrant families resettling in our area.
The Committee meets periodically to discuss ideas and plan events. We seek to host one or two events a year. Anyone who enjoys working collaboratively to serve others in our community and beyond is invited to join the Committee by contacting Maureen Gemma.