Interested in bringing holy communion to the homebound?
To someone homebound, in a nursing home, or hospitalized and unable to come to church, receiving the Eucharist and maintaining connections with the parish community bring consolation. Most serve once or twice each month, as they are available. The need is always present. Please contact Parish Office at 617-698-2439 if you wish to become involved in this Ministry.
Our parish is blessed to have several parishioners who serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Communion (EMC) to parishioners who are homebound. We are grateful for Dell Staunton who chairs this important initiative. It is most fitting to bring Communion to the sick and/or the homebound from the Mass. This ministry, a corporal work of mercy—visiting the sick—reminds those who are homebound that they are an important part of our faith community. Do you know a St. Agatha parishioner who is homebound? Share this bulletin announcement with fellow parishioners whom you know and please invite them to call us. Please call the Parish Office at 617-698-2439 to make arrangements.